Parameters for Decred-Next mainnet from chaincfg/params.go

Chain parameters

Parameter Value Description
GenesisBlock 0 First block of the chain
PremineBlock 1 Premine Block of the chain
PowLimitBits 486604799 bits Highest allowed proof of work value for a block in compact form
ReduceMinDifficulty false Whether the network should reduce the minimum required difficulty after a long enough period of time has passed without finding a block
MinDiffReductionTime 0s Amount of time after which the minimum required difficulty should be reduced when a block hasn't been found
GenerateSupported false Whether or not CPU mining is allowed
MaximumBlockSize 393216 bytes Maximum size of a block that can be generated on the network
MaxTxSize 393216 bytes Largest allowable transaction size
WorkDiffAlpha 1 Stake difficulty EMA calculation alpha (smoothing) value
WorkDiffWindowSize 144 blocks Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average
WorkDiffWindows 20 Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average
TargetTimespan 12h 0m Amount of time that should elapse before the block difficulty requirement is examined to determine how it should be changed in order to maintain the desired block generation rate
TargetTimePerBlock 5m 0s The desired amount of time to generate each block
RetargetAdjustmentFactor 4 Adjustment factor used to limit the minimum and maximum amount of adjustment that can occur between difficulty retargets
AcceptNonStdTxs false Mempool param to either accept and relay non standard txs to the network or reject them

Subsidy parameters

Parameter Value Description
Starting subsidy amount for mined blocks
MulSubsidy 100 Subsidy reduction multiplier
DivSubsidy 101 Subsidy reduction divisor
SubsidyReductionInterval 6144 blocks Reduction interval in blocks
WorkRewardProportion 60% Comparative amount of the subsidy given for creating a block
StakeRewardProportion 30% Comparative amount of the subsidy given for casting stake votes (collectively, per block)
BlockTaxProportion 10% Inverse of the percentage of funds for each block to allocate to the developer organization

Stake parameters

Parameter Value Description
Minimum amount of Atoms required to purchase a stake ticket
TicketPoolSize 8192 (40960 actual) Target size of ticket pool. (actual ticket count = TicketPoolSize x TicketsPerBlock)
TicketsPerBlock 5 Average number of tickets per block for Decred-Next PoS
TicketMaturity 256 blocks Number of blocks for tickets to mature
TicketExpiry 40960 blocks Number of blocks for tickets to expire after they have matured
CoinbaseMaturity 256 blocks Number of blocks required before newly mined coins (coinbase transactions) can be spent
SStxChangeMaturity 1 blocks Maturity for spending SStx change outputs
TicketPoolSizeWeight 4 Multiplicative weight applied to the ticket pool size difference between a window period and its target when determining the stake system
StakeDiffAlpha 1 stake difficulty EMA calculation alpha (smoothing) value
StakeDiffWindowSize 144 blocks Number of blocks used for each interval in exponentially weighted average
StakeDiffWindows 20 windows Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average
StakeVersionInterval 2016 blocks Interval where the stake version is calculated
MaxFreshStakePerBlock 20 tickets Maximum number of new tickets that may be submitted per block
StakeEnabledHeight 512 Height in which the first ticket could possibly mature
StakeValidationHeight 2048 Height at which votes (SSGen) are required to add a new block to the top of the blockchain
StakeBaseSigScript 0000 Consensus stakebase signature script for all votes on the network
StakeMajorityMultiplier 3 Calculate the super majority of stake votes using integer math
StakeMajorityDivisor 4 Calculate the super majority of stake votes using integer math

Rule change parameters

Parameter Value Description
RuleChangeActivationQuorum 4032 Number of votes required for a vote to take effect
RuleChangeActivationMultiplier 3
RuleChangeActivationDivisor 4
RuleChangeActivationInterval 8064 blocks Number of blocks in each threshold state retarget window
BlockEnforceNumRequired 750 blocks Enforce current block version once network has upgraded
BlockRejectNumRequired 950 blocks Reject previous block versions once network has upgraded
BlockUpgradeNumToCheck 1000 blocks The number of nodes to check

Address parameters

Address Prefix Description
NetworkAddressPrefix D First letter of the network for any given address encoded as a string
PubKeyAddrID Dk P2PK address
PubKeyHashAddrID Ds P2PKH address prefix. Standard wallet address. 1 public key -> 1 private key
PKHEdwardsAddrID De Ed25519 P2PKH address prefix
PKHSchnorrAddrID DS secp256k1 Schnorr P2PKH address prefix
ScriptHashAddrID Dc P2SH address prefix
PrivateKeyID Pm WIF private key prefix
HDPrivateKeyID dprv HD extended private key prefix
HDPublicKeyID dpub HD extended public key prefix